What is a Gravatar Image? This fantastic little tip is going to focus on what an ‘Avatar’ is and ‘How’ using it will expand your Social Media Profile in the form of Branding and Networking. Enjoy this guided Gravatar video tutorial… Then just Apply it! 🙂

While reading some random comments on a blog the other day, it suddenly struck me how many people out there do NOT use an Avatar or Gravatar image. If you are not using one, you’re constantly depriving yourself of market exposure.

Make Gravatar Avatars at: http://www.gravatar.com … 🙂

This is the most globally recognized Gravatars service for creating your Avatar (your picture).  Using an Avatar constantly plants your image ‘in the mind’ of your prospects, thus being a very effective technique when branding and networking yourself.

Having an Avatar will not only develop your Social Media profile much faster , but will increase your market exposure.

Creating Forum Gravatars make your posts ‘Stand Out’ and ‘Grab’ the attention of others, making you more noticeable! J

Friends, do yourself a very ‘worthwhile’ and ‘long lasting’ favor, take a quick five minutes and set up your account at: http://www.gravatar.com . Then upload the image or images you will consider using for your Avatar. I can Not stress this enough, start Increasing your Networking and Branding efforts when posting comments on blogs, web forums etc.

As always, I love your feedback so please drop me a comment. 🙂

Do you feel this information was valuable enough to help others with their marketing?  If so, RETWEET this post. I know it would definitely be appreciated by most!

Now let’s get to work and… ‘Keep Rockin’ this New Year! 🙂

Yours in Valuable Free Information,

Dave D. Williamson

P.S. Make sure to GOOGLE CONNECT with me on the right side of this page. This is a great way to get even more exposure to your Social Media profile. 🙂

Filed under: Social Media

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